In search of a mystical factor known every bit Sky Fish, Meliodas as well as Hawk stumble upon a bound that of a sudden transports them to the Sky Temple: a breathtaking country above the clouds, inhabited past beings called Celestials. Meliodas, even so, looks strikingly similar to a local criminal called Solaad, too is imprisoned too shunned every bit a upshot. Meanwhile, the kingdom of the Sky Temple prepares to defend the Great Oshiro’s seal—said to harbour a three thou-year-erstwhile evil—from the malevolent Six Knights of Black, a grouping of demons who assay to destroy the seal. However, the Demon Clan is successfully unleashed together with terrorizes the state, prompting the remaining Seven Deadly Sins as well as the Celestials to fight against their wicked foes.
The battle progresses good, until ane of the Six Knights awakens an “Indura of Retribution,” an uncontrollable beast from the Demon Realm. With its overwhelming forcefulness in addition to sinister ability, the Seven Deadly Sins and Celestial beings must directly operate together to defeat the brute that threatens their rattling being.
Synonyms: The Seven Deadly Sins: Prisoners of the Sky
Japanese: 劇場版 七つの大罪 天空の囚われ人
Type: Movie
Episodes: one
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Aug xviii, 2018
Producers: None plant, add together close to
Licensors: None plant, add or so
Studios: A-i Pictures
Source: Manga
Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Magic, Shounen, Supernatural
Duration: 1 60 minutes. 39 min.
Rating: PG-13 – Teens thirteen or older
Eng Sub/Eng Subbed
10bit Dual Audio (English/Japanese)
- Mega
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